20 January 2015

Our web­site has been redesigned to make it eas­i­er to use and mobile-friend­ly. To help you with the tran­si­tion, we have not­ed some of the biggest changes. 

  • The Lat­est Down­loads sec­tion on our home­page now dis­plays the date that the doc­u­ment (pro­gramme, entry form etc.) was posted.
  • We have removed the sep­a­rate pages for City of Leeds open meets and Devel­op­ment meets. All meets can now be found in the Meets section.
  • The club no longer pro­duces club rank­ings and so we have removed the Rank­ings sec­tion. You can find a link to the British Swim­ming rank­ings on the Links page.
  • The news archive can now be accessed through a link on the home­page or by click­ing on the year but­ton whilst view­ing any news article.
  • The Use­ful Info sec­tion has been renamed Resources

We have tak­en every care to make sure the redesigned web­site is as com­plete and easy to use as pos­si­ble. How­ev­er, if you have any feed­back or you can­not find what you are look­ing for, please con­tact us.