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Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting

Posted on 23 September 2024

All mem­bers and par­ents are invit­ed to attend the Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing of the City of Leeds Swim­ming Club at 18:30 on the 21st Octo­ber in the Deni­son Suite.

Mona Denison

Posted on 7 June 2024

Leeds City Coun­cil and City of Leeds Swim­ming Club have been informed of the pass­ing of Mona Deni­son, wife of for­mer Head Coach Ter­ry Deni­son, on Fri­day 31st May, after a peri­od of illness.

Young Leader Profile – 'Why I Swim' by Robyn

Posted on 2 March 2024

I start­ed learn­ing to swim when I was five years old at Atlantis Swim­ming School. I start­ed swim­ming lessons with school at my local pool. At one ses­sion, a City of Leeds Swim­ming Club coach attend­ed and observed every­one. I was invit­ed to a tri­al for a place in the Stage 8 Group, was accept­ed and I began train­ing 3 times a week on evenings and com­pet­ed in short races at Devel­op­ment Galas every now and again.

Leeds Crowned National Junior League Champions

Posted on 28 November 2023

Well done to all the swim­mers who took part in the Junior Swim League 2023. After win­ning the White Rose leg of the com­pe­ti­tion and qual­i­fy­ing for the final, our swim­mers came out the strongest and were crowned the Nation­al Junior League cham­pi­ons for the fifth time in a row.