12 September 2010

A mag­nif­i­cent dou­ble vic­to­ry by both A’ & B’ teams in the White Rose League meets held at Aquat­ics Cen­tre, JCCS.

Sat­ur­day 11th Sep­tem­ber 2010 saw the top clubs in York­shire con­gre­gate at the John Charles Cen­tre, Leeds for the annu­al White Rose Com­pe­ti­tion. This year there were two galas back to back, with the City of Leeds Swim­ming Club being rep­re­sent­ed in both galas.

Gala 1: City of Leeds A’ team Storm to Victory 

The first gala saw the City of Leeds A’ team going up against strong oppo­si­tion from the City of Sheffield, Bor­ough of Kirklees, York, Kingston Upon Hull, Har­ro­gate, Don­cast­er Dartes and Rother­ham Metro.

City of Leeds A’ team got off to a fan­tas­tic start win­ning 6 of the first 8 relay events, open­ing up an ear­ly points lead. As the gala moved into the indi­vid­ual events the City of Leeds A’ team con­tin­ued to build on their great start win­ning a fur­ther 15 events and con­sis­tent­ly fin­ish­ing in the top 3. Going into the final block of relay events the City of Leeds A’ team had a 25 point lead.

This lead proved too much as the City of Leeds A’ team stormed to a fur­ther 7 wins in 9 events, win­ning the over­all com­pe­ti­tion and fin­ish­ing 44 points ahead of the Bor­ough of Kirklees, with 28 event wins. The A’ team now trav­els to Lin­coln on the 2nd Octo­ber to com­pete in the North­ern Area Final of the Nation­al Junior League.

indi­vid­ual win­ners were: Ellie Jones (2), Abi­gail Jack, Kiani Camp­bell-Grady (3), Liam Bir­rell (2), Chantel Mad­den, Toby Kitch­ing, Blake Ben­nett, Euan Cow­an, Richard Maw­son (2) and Chloe Adams.

Gala 2: City of Leeds B’ team make it a Double! 

The sec­ond gala saw the City of Leeds B’ team take on City Of Sheffield B’ team, Don­cast­er Dartes B’ team and the City Of Bradford.

Fol­low­ing on from the A’ team the City of Leeds B’ team also made a great start win­ning 6 of the first 8 relay events. Keep­ing up the momen­tum as the sec­ond gala moved into the indi­vid­ual events, the City of Leeds B’ team won 14 of the indi­vid­ual events and placed no low­er than 3rd. This meant that the B’ team took a strong lead into the final phase of the gala win­ning 4 of the last 9 relay events, mak­ing it an impres­sive 24 event vic­to­ries. Despite a strong come­back from Brad­ford, the City of Leeds B’ team won the sec­ond gala by 23 points, secur­ing a fan­tas­tic dou­ble for the club.

The indi­vid­ual win­ners were: Dara Mad­den, Abi­gail Bur­ton (2), Kit Law­less Coombes, Han­nah White, William Finn, Kate Offord, Oliv­er Bing­ham, Ben Tay­lor Walsh, Bil­ly Walk­er, Elle Pick­ett, Fin­lay Law­less Coombes, Leah Crisp, and Bethany Hay.

Well done to all the swim­mers and staff involved from both teams and thanks to all the vol­un­teers for their time in mak­ing these two meets possible.

Due to a clash of dates, those City of Leeds A’ team swim­mers who have been entered for the City of Leeds Junior Open will be removed from the Sat­ur­day pro­gram and refunds will be arranged.