5 February 2013

Many hands make light work as our swim­mers raise over £1000 pack­ing bags.

On Sun­day 3rd Feb­ru­ary 2013 at 11am, 34 swim­mers from the Nation­al Squad descend­ed on Sains­burys at Colton to under­take an unusu­al challenge.

Instead of tak­ing to the water they took to the aisles bag pack­ing in order to raise mon­ey for the club. For 2 hours they packed their socks off and even looked to be enjoy­ing them­selves! It was then the turn of the Nation­al Age Group Squad who took to the task with great enthusiasm.

Even when it became qui­et their enthu­si­asm nev­er fal­tered. Final­ly it was the turn of the Region­al Squads who although few­er in num­ber raised an aston­ish­ing amount of mon­ey, the final 2 tills left open were in a pack off” to see who could raise the most money.

All the squads looked amaz­ing in their City of Leeds kit and real­ly stood out, with­out a shad­ow of a doubt this helped to raise an unbe­liev­able total of £1035.88.

A huge thank you to each and every swim­mer who gave up their time on Sun­day. It just goes to show that City of Leeds Swim­ming Club real­ly are A Team Above All and Above All a Team.