10 October 2018

Final standings

  1. City of Leeds 271
  2. Southport 202
  3. Tynemouth 191
  4. Leicester Sharks 188
  5. Louth 124

An excit­ing day of rac­ing in Black­pool as City of Leeds tri­umph in the North­ern Final for a sev­enth time.

We would like to con­grat­u­late all of you on your behav­iour, cheer­ing, team spir­it, swim­ming, and most impor­tant­ly, win­ning the Nation­al Junior League North­ern Final. You were all ace and we are very proud of you.

This is the sev­enth time we have won the North­ern Final after vic­to­ries in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016 and 2017.

The team achieved a whop­ping 32 first place fin­ish­es (4 more than last year), and placed in the top 3 in every event. Back to hard train­ing now, ready to put up a fight in the Nation­al Final on 25th Novem­ber in Corby.

It was great to see all the par­ents hav­ing so much fun on the bal­cony as you cheered for your team. Thank you for all the sup­port you gave to each of the swim­mers. Let’s see if we can go to the final with not just the best swim­mers, but the best sup­port­ers as well.

The team would like to thank Kim Math­ias and Meron Gebre for their fan­tas­tic team man­ag­ment, and also David Broome, Jack­ie Broome and Vicky Spencer for their help on the day.

Good luck to City of Leeds, South­port, Tynemouth and Leices­ter Sharks who move for­ward to the Nation­al Final in November.

The team for the Nation­al Final will be announced soon.

Well done, everyone!