30 September 2021

Dur­ing Octo­ber, Swim Eng­land North East are run­ning a num­ber of FREE online Swim­ming Offi­cials cours­es for North East Officials.

These include:

  • Judge Lev­el 214 Octo­ber at 19:30pm
  • Judge Lev­el 2S21 Octo­ber at 19:30pm

To attend the Judge Lev­el 2 you need to be Judge 1 qual­i­fied and have com­plet­ed your post qual­i­fi­ca­tion hours.

To attend the Judge Lev­el 2S course you need to be Judge 2 qual­i­fied and have com­plet­ed your post qual­i­fi­ca­tion hours.

To reg­is­ter a place on either course or for more infor­ma­tion, please con­tact John Fly­nn: j.​flynn@​ntlworld.​com.

Please come and join in – it would be great to have more qual­i­fied offi­cials with­in the region.

Addi­tion­al­ly, for any­one who would like to get start­ed in offi­ci­at­ing, you can now com­plete the the­o­ry aspects of the Judge 1 course online. The cost of the course is £20 and can be booked here: https://​www​.swim​ming​.org/​i​o​s​/​c​o​u​r​s​e​/3143. It’s a great oppor­tu­ni­ty for par­ents / guardians who are unable to spec­tate at com­pe­ti­tions due to Covid restric­tions to gain access to poolside!

What’s more, City of Leeds Swim­ming Club has agreed to refund the £20. for any­one who com­pletes the course and helps out at Leeds meets.