17 August 2021

The City of Leeds home galas rely very heav­i­ly upon vol­un­teers to make the galas run. As we are approach­ing the new sea­son and are hop­ing to run a full sched­ule of Leeds com­pe­ti­tions, any help from par­ents would be great­ly appreciated.

There is cur­rent­ly a Swim­ming Tech­ni­cal Offi­cials course com­ing up for any­one who is inter­est­ed. This is an online course and is the first step to achiev­ing Judge 1 sta­tus for swim­ming tech­ni­cal offi­ci­at­ing. It is acces­si­ble to any­one who wants to under­stand the FINA rules relat­ing to swim­ming and the process of being a Judge Swim­ming Offi­cial and Time­keep­er. The cost of the course is £20.00 and is avail­able to any­one aged 15 years+ at the start of the course. See link below for fur­ther details.

Swim­ming Tech­ni­cal Offi­cials – Judge 1 The­o­ry [swim​ming​.org]