City of Leeds Level X Results – Series 2

Posted on 10 October 2021

The sec­ond leader­board for Swim Eng­land’s vir­tu­al Lev­el X Rac­ing has been published.

The sec­ond round of the event took place between 12 April and 22 August 2021.

Swim Eng­land launched Lev­el X Rac­ing to give swim­mers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to prac­tice rac­ing skills in their own club envi­ron­ments in the absence of com­pe­ti­tions due to the coro­n­avirus pandemic.

All times received dur­ing series two have been added to nation­al Lev­el X Rank­ings and used to gen­er­ate the leader boards.

Leader­boards show­ing the top 10 times for age groups from 8 years upwards, for both male and female, have now been pub­lished on the Swim Eng­land website.

Swim Eng­land Lev­el X Rac­ing Series 2 – City of Leeds Results [PDF]

City of Leeds Level X Results – Series 1

Posted on 24 January 2021

The first leader­boards for Swim Eng­land’s vir­tu­al Lev­el X Rac­ing have been pub­lished – with more than 94,000 swims clocked dur­ing the inau­gur­al series.

More than 16,200 swim­mers from 430 clubs took part in the open­ing event between 23 Octo­ber and the end of December.

Swim Eng­land launched Lev­el X Rac­ing to give swim­mers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to prac­tice rac­ing skills in their own club envi­ron­ments in the absence of com­pe­ti­tions due to the coro­n­avirus pandemic.

All times received dur­ing series one have been added to nation­al Lev­el X Rank­ings and used to gen­er­ate the leaderboards.

Leader­boards show­ing the top 10 times for age groups from 11 years upwards, for both male and female, have now been pub­lished on the Swim Eng­land website.