6 October 2015

City of Leeds nar­row­ly lose out to Stock­port Metro but qual­i­fy for the Grand Final in November. 

Team Leeds head­ed to the Stech­ford Cas­cades, Birm­ing­ham on Sun­day 4th Octo­ber for the North­ern Junior League final. The com­pe­ti­tion was as close as ever with Stock­port just edg­ing out Leeds in the final twelve events. 

Final standings

  1. Stockport Metro 214
  2. City of Leeds SC 204
  3. Gateshead 195
  4. Southport 193
  5. Leicester Sharks 128
  6. Louth SC 83

There were some real­ly pos­i­tive per­for­mances exe­cut­ed with the World Class skills we have been work­ing towards so far this sea­son. The coach­ing team are real­ly hap­py with the progress made from our third place in last year’s North­ern Final. 

The Grand Final 2015 will be held at Cor­by Inter­na­tion­al Pool on Sun­day 29th November. 

Thank you to our rep­re­sen­ta­tive offi­cials: David Broome, Andrew Rus­sell and Ger­ald Cow­an. And our sin­cer­est appre­ci­a­tion to Emma Fer­ri­man for her con­tri­bu­tion towards organ­is­ing the sup­port­ers, and her team man­age­ment at the event.