20 January 2011

The club has recent­ly intro­duced the ASA Com­pet­i­tive Swim­ming Per­for­mance Awards as a pro­gres­sive incen­tive to the swim­mers to ulti­mate­ly achieve their Coun­ty Cham­pi­onship standards.

The times for the awards are con­sis­tent with the ASA Grad­ed Swim­ming Times, and the Gold Stan­dards approx­i­mate to aver­age coun­ty age group qual­i­fy­ing times for 12 year old boys. When this lev­el is reached there is a good chance that these swim­mers would qual­i­fy at coun­ty level.

The awards are aimed at the younger swim­mers in par­tic­u­lar, although all swim­mers on the scheme can achieve them regard­less of age. The awards will be avail­able to the swim­mers at the Devel­op­ment Meets in par­tic­u­lar, but they can be achieved by com­pet­ing at any meet in our cal­en­dar through­out the season.

For more infor­ma­tion on the awards, as well as fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions and the time stan­dards, see our page on the ASA Per­for­mance Awards.