2 March 2011

Leeds swim­mers excel over both week­ends as Com­mon­wealth Games final­ist Anne Bochmann and vol­un­teer Jack Fer­ri­day receive awards.

First Week­end – 19/20 February

The first week­end of the 2011 York­shire ASA Age Group/​Open Cham­pi­onships was held at Ponds Forge, Sheffield. The City of Leeds Swim­ming Club were rep­re­sent­ed by mem­bers of the Nation­al, Region­al, Com­pe­ti­tion and Devel­op­ment Squads.

Over the 2 days of com­pe­ti­tion City of Leeds had 155 final­ists win­ning 64 medals, a fan­tas­tic achievement.

Gold (24)

Blake Ben­nettt (4), Leah Crisp (3), Bil­ly walk­er (2), Freya Resendez (2), Fred­dy Hoban (2), Kiani Camp­bell Grady (2), Anna Chees­brough, Har­ri­son Day, abio Lare­do, James Thomp­son, Sophie Tay­lor, Daniel Gill, Lucy Emer­son, Euan Cow­an, Alex Jones

Sil­ver (21)

Rebec­ca Mot­ter­shaw (2), Douie Wlak­er (2), Jacob But­ter­filed (2), Jes­si­ca Man­ning (2), Liam Bir­rell, Freya Resendez, Emi­ly Vose, Anna Cheese­brough, Jacob Sed­don, Har­ri­son Day, Matthew Gra­ham, Sophie Tay­lor, Euan Cow­an, Kiani Camp­bell Grady, Sophie Hob­bah, Eddi­son Munoz, Oliv­er Bingham

Bronze (20)

Emi­ly Vose (2), Maise Boyes, Liam Bir­rel, Sha­heen Algho­fari, Phebe Robin­son, Rebec­ca Mot­ter­shaw, Freya Resendez, Emi­ly Fish­er, Emi­ly Jones, Dougie Walk­er, Fred­dy Hoban, Matthew Gra­ham, James Thomp­son, Joe Sib­bery, Bran­non Pear­son, Abi­gail Bur­ton, Sophie Hob­bah, Matthew Vose, Jacob Lambert

Sec­ond Week­end – 26/27 February

The sec­ond week­end of the 2011 York­shire ASA Age Group/​Open Cham­pi­onships was held a week lat­er at the Aquat­ics Cen­tre, John Charles Cen­tre for Sport, Leeds.

Dur­ing the meet, Anne Bochmann was pre­sent­ed with the Hen­ry Dixon award for Out­stand­ing Swim of the Year.

Jack Fer­ri­day was pre­sent­ed with the Vin­cent and Mar­garet Horner Tro­phy for Out­stand­ing Vol­un­teer­ing Ser­vices to swimming.

Over the 2 days of com­pe­ti­tion City of Leeds had 181 final­ists win­ning 71 medals, anoth­er fan­tas­tic achievement.

Gold (24)

Freya Resendez (4), Blake Ben­nett (3), Dougie Walk­er (2), Fred­dy Hoban (2), Rebec­ca Mot­ter­shaw (2), Chloe Adams (2), William Walk­er (2), Jes­si­ca Man­ning (2), Joe Sib­bery, Emi­ly Vose, Matthew Alli­son, Jacob Lam­bert, Kiani Camp­bell Grady

Sil­ver (25)

Dougie Wlak­er (2), Fred­dy Hoban (2), Euan Cow­an (2), Sophie Hob­bah (2), Blake Ben­nett, Jacob Sed­don, Liam Bir­rell, Matthew Gra­ham, Abi­gail Bur­ton, Rebekah Bir­rell, Emi­ly Vose, Freya Resendez, Alex Jones, Daniel Gill, Emi­ly Jones, Jacob Lam­bert, Oliv­er Bing­ham, Kiani Camp­bell Grady, Matthew Vose, Anna Cheese­brough, Fabio Laredo

Bronze (22)

Eddi­son Munoz (2), Dougie Walk­er (2), Olivia White (2), Oliv­er Bing­ham (2), Jacob But­ter­field (2), Emi­ly Fish­er (2), Jacob Sed­don, Lewis Evers, Joe Sib­bery, Pheobe Robin­son, Rebekah Bir­rell, Freya Resendez, Emi­ly Jones, Har­ri­son Day, Leah Crisp, Toby Kitching