10 May 2011

Report from NER Senior/​Youth Cham­pi­onships and spe­cial com­men­da­tion for Sam Lawman.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to all swim­mers on some fan­tas­tic per­for­mances. Spe­cial con­grat­u­la­tions to Sam Law­man (Region­al Youth Squad) who had a strike rate of 100% life time best per­for­mances as well as mak­ing finals and con­vert­ing his heat swims.

Gold (8)

Sophie Tay­lor (2), Matthew Alli­son, Gareth Mills, Joe French (2), Boys 4 x 200m f/​s team, Boys 4 x 100m f/​s A’ team, Anne Bochmann

Sil­ver (16)

Danielle Hall Jack­son (2) Boys 4 x 100 med­ley A’ Team, Anne Bochmann (3), Daniel Gill, Chris Wilkin­son, Rebec­ca Whal­ing (2), Gareth Mills (2), Avril Kir­itschenko, Joe Siber­ry, Ross Glegg, Girls 4 x 200m f/​s A’ team

Bronze (9)

Gareth Mills, Girls 4 x 100m f/​s A’ team, Han­nah War­dle, Joe Siber­ry, Avril Kir­itschenko, Matthew Alli­son, Girls 4 x 100m med­ley A’ team, Chris Wilkin­son, Rebec­ca Whal­ing, Freya Resendez

Final­ists (52)

Boys 4 x 100 med­ley B’ Team, Girls 4 x 100m f/​s B’ team, Ross Glegg, Danielle Hall Jack­son, Lucy Emer­son, Freya Resendez, Rebec­ca Davis, Anna Chees­brough, Avril Kir­itschenko, Matthew Gra­ham, Rebec­ca Whal­ing, Siroos Saeed, Matthew Alli­son, Joseph French, Peter Faw­cett, Emi­ly Jones, Han­nah War­dle, Stephen Water­house, Emi­ly Fish­er, Matthew Vose, Daniel Gill, Girls 4 x 100m med­ley B’ team, Boys 4 x 100m f/​s B’ team, Sam Law­man, Girls 4 x 200m f/​s B’ team

Well done to all swim­mers and coaches.