1 August 2012

Strong sup­port from team­mates and staff helped bring home 9 gold, 4 sil­ver and 2 bronze medals from Swansea.

A 45 strong team of City of Leeds Swim­mers descend­ed upon the Welsh Nation­al Pool in Swansea on 21st July 2012. There were some remark­able per­for­mances. Life­time Bests fell left, right and centre.

Heads were turned dur­ing finals ses­sions as the horns and voic­es of the whole team of City of Leeds swim­mers and staff over­pow­ered the com­pe­ti­tion to fuel some impres­sive racing.

There were 53 final swims across 6 days of com­pe­ti­tion. Between these final­ists there were 9 gold, 4 sil­ver and 2 bronze medals. Par­tic­u­lar­ly impres­sive was our final­ists’ abil­i­ty to con­vert heat swims into even faster final swims.

Well done to the entire team.

A spe­cial thanks to Lizzie Coombes, Sara East­wood and Emma Fer­ri­man for their hard work and dedication.