2 October 2012

The 100m breast­stroke cham­pi­on from the 1980 Moscow Olympics was in the city to pro­vide a coach­ing ses­sion to a group of City of Leeds youngsters.

Olympic gold medal­list swim­mer Dun­can Good­hew paid a spe­cial vis­it to the Aquat­ics Cen­tre at the John Charles Cen­tre for Sport in Leeds. The 100 metre breast­stroke gold medal­list from the 1980 Olympic Games was in the city to pro­vide a coach­ing ses­sion to a group of young City of Leeds Swim­ming Club swim­mers aged eight to 12. The vis­it was a reward for the club recruit­ing the most swim­mers of any club in the coun­try to take part in this year’s char­i­ty Swimath­on Week­end event in April.

After the vis­it, Olympic gold medal­list and Swimath­on Pres­i­dent Dun­can Good­hew said: It was a plea­sure to teach the young peo­ple at the City of Leeds Swim­ming Club. The young swim­mers were put through their paces learn­ing Olympic stroke tech­niques to help them become even faster in the water for Swimath­on 2013. There were some great swim­mers amongst the group and who knows, maybe a future Olympic champion!”