27 November 2012

An out­stand­ing dis­play of team spir­it, com­pet­i­tive swim­ming and a will to win saw our Junior League Squad to vic­to­ry in the ARE­NA Junior Inter-League Grand Final last Sunday. 

Final standings

  1. City of Leeds 321
  2. Hillingdon 244
  3. Preston SC 227
  4. Northampton 208
  5. Stockport Metro 204
  6. Boldmere SC 198
  7. City of Peterborough 194
  8. Bournemouth Dolphins 158

City of Leeds Junior League Squad trav­elled to Cor­by Inter­na­tion­al Pool this Sun­day to com­pete in the ARE­NA Junior Inter-League Grand Final. After 12 of the 49 events the team had a slim 13 point lead on 2nd place Hilling­don. After 36 events, it was evi­dent the team was feed­ing off each oth­er’s ener­gy, enthu­si­asm and suc­cess, lead­ing Hilling­don by 59 points. 

Only a seri­ous of bloop­ers” would threat­en the lead from this point but the team had one final task. The tro­phy that has elud­ed the club since its re-entry to the com­pe­ti­tion 4 years ago, the Can­non. An 8 X 25m relay; 1 boy and 1 girl from each age group. This was our year, a spec­tac­u­lar team effort to snatch vic­to­ry in the last 25m. 

We had 23 first place fin­ish­es and we believe CoL swim­mers broke 9 meet records. What“s more, Ben Rayn­er col­lect­ed Top 10 year Boy, Liam Bir­rell Top 11 year Boy, and Abi Bur­ton Top 12 year Girl. 

Myself, the coach­ing team, the par­ents and sup­port­ers could not be more proud of the chil­dren’s achievements. 

For their con­tin­ued sup­port, I would also like to thank the Sup­port­ers” Com­mit­tee, as well as a per­son­al thank you to the Team Man­agers Elysha Wal­lis and Greig Bir­rell. Thanks also to Lucie & Tony Black, Emma Fer­ri­man and Julie Hob­bah for their help on the day. 

It was an amaz­ing day for all. Well Done. 
