12 June 2012

City of Leeds swim­mers dom­i­nate the medal table and make 154 appear­ances in finals at the ASA North East Region­al Championships.

The com­pe­ti­tion which extends over a gru­elling two week­ends showed City of Leeds Swim­ming Club’s dom­i­nance of age group swim­ming in the north east.

As well as many swim­mers suc­ceed­ing in achiev­ing nation­al qual­i­fy­ing times, swim­mers made the podi­um on 85 occasions.

The team col­lec­tive­ly achieved 28 bronze medals. 22 sil­ver medals; and a whop­ping 35 gold medals (almost dou­ble the 2nd place team’s gold medal tally).

Evi­dent­ly… A team above all but above all a team.”