19 June 2012

We urge all par­ents to read the fol­low­ing notice regard­ing pool­side pass­es at swim­ming meets.

It has recent­ly come to our atten­tion that some par­ents have been apply­ing for pool­side pass­es in order to act as unof­fi­cial team man­agers to their swim­mers when enter­ing and attend­ing meets independently.

We should like to make it clear that City of Leeds Swim­ming Club does not con­done nor approve of this prac­tice and kind­ly request par­ents not to apply for pool­side pass­es. If you are act­ing as team man­ag­er on behalf of the club, this will have been nego­ti­at­ed with Rod War­dle pri­or to the event and your pool­side pass will be applied for through the offi­cial channels.

Thank you all for your co-oper­a­tion in this matter.

Pam Smith, Wel­fare Officer
Rod War­dle, Team Man­age­ment Organiser