7 October 2019

An excit­ing day of rac­ing at John Charles as City of Leeds tri­umph in the North­ern Final for the eighth time.

Final standings

  1. City of Leeds 273
  2. Leamington Spa 175
  3. Stockport Metro 167
  4. Southport 158
  5. Newcastle 153
  6. Louth 101

We would like to con­grat­u­late all of you on your behav­ior, cheer­ing, team spir­it, swim­ming, and most impor­tant­ly, win­ning the Nation­al Junior League North­ern Final. You were all ace and we are very proud of you.

This is the eighth time we have won the North­ern Final fol­low­ing vic­to­ries in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, and 2018.

The team achieved a whop­ping 39 first place fin­ish­es (7 more than last year). Back to hard train­ing now, ready to put up a fight in the Nation­al Final on 24 th Novem­ber in Cor­by. It was great to see all the par­ents hav­ing so much fun on the bal­cony as you cheered for your team. Thank you for all the sup­port you gave to each of the swim­mers. Let’s see if we can go to the final with not just the best swim­mers, but the best sup­port­ers as well.

The team would like to thank Kim Math­ias and Joe Stott for their fan­tas­tic team man­age­ment, and also David Broome, Jack­ie Broome and Andy Williams for their help on the day. Good luck to City of Leeds, Leam­ing­ton Spa, Stock­port Metro and South­port who move for­ward to the Nation­al Final in November.

The team for the Nation­al Final will be announced soon.

Well done, everyone!