20 May 2020

We hope you and your fam­i­lies are all well and stay­ing safe.

Due to the ongo­ing sit­u­a­tion with the coro­n­avirus out­break we are unfor­tu­nate­ly hav­ing to refund anoth­er com­pe­ti­tion in our calendar.

We are now in a posi­tion to start the refund­ing process for the City of Sheffield Snow Frills Meet. If you could please email leedsentries@​gmail.​com with the fol­low­ing details:

  • Name of Swimmer
  • Bank account hold­ers name
  • Sort code
  • Account num­ber

This will then be passed onto the Club Trea­sur­er with the cor­rect amount to be refund­ed to your account.

Due to the large amount of entries and swim­mers we had attend­ing this meet, we are aim­ing to refund with­in 14 days.

Many thanks,
Leeds Entries Team