26 March 2020

We hope you are well and keep­ing safe.

We have just received the fol­low­ing mes­sage from Rother­ham Metro Swim­ming Club:

Due to the cur­rent ongo­ing Nation­al sit­u­a­tion and restric­tions we can con­firm that the above event is now cancelled.

We will of course refund all entry fees and we appre­ci­ate your patience whilst we organ­ise this under these dif­fi­cult circumstances.

Stay safe and we hope we can see some of you at our July & Sep­tem­ber galas

Our Trea­sur­er is cur­rent­ly in the process of refund­ing everyone’s entries as they come in. Please note, due to the num­ber of com­pe­ti­tions can­celled in such a short space of time we are receiv­ing a high vol­ume of emails. Jane will aim to refund your entry fees with­in 14 days of reciev­ing your email.

Please send the Name of Swim­mer, Name of Com­pe­ti­tion, Sort Code and Account Num­ber to the City of Leeds Trea­sur­er Jane Wat­son (née Lan­cast­er) (janelanc@​outlook.​com).

Thank you for your under­stand­ing, coop­er­a­tion and patience dur­ing this dif­fi­cult time.

The Leeds Entries Team