20 March 2020

We are cur­rent­ly in the process of refund­ing every­one’s entries for the meets below. Our Trea­sur­er has a big job on her hands due to the num­ber of clubs and indi­vid­ual swim­mers we have to refund. Because of the high vol­ume of emails, we are aim­ing to refund with­in 14 days.

Please fol­low the instruc­tions below for each par­tic­u­lar meet.

Thank you for your under­stand­ing, coop­er­a­tion and patience dur­ing this dif­fi­cult time.

The Leeds Entries Team

City of Sheffield Pre­mier Meet

Please send the Name of Swim­mer, Name of Com­pe­ti­tion, Sort Code and Account Num­ber to the City of Leeds Trea­sur­er Jane Wat­son (née Lan­cast­er) (janelanc@​outlook.​com)

City of Leeds Nation­al Qual­i­fi­er Meet

Please send the Name of Swim­mer, Name of Com­pe­ti­tion, Sort Code and Account Num­ber to the City of Leeds Trea­sur­er Jane Wat­son (née Lan­cast­er) (janelanc@​outlook.​com)

Har­ro­gate Spa Town Grad­ed Meet

Please send the Name of Swim­mer, Name of Com­pe­ti­tion, Sort Code and Account Num­ber to the City of Leeds Trea­sur­er Jane Wat­son (née Lan­cast­er) (janelanc@​outlook.​com)

City of Leeds Spring Devel­op­ment Meet

All entries for this meet will be trans­ferred over to the Sum­mer Devel­op­ment Meet on Sat­ur­day 18th July. There will be no need to col­lect a refund unless you can­not make this date. If you do require a refund please send the Name of Swim­mer, Name of Com­pe­ti­tion, Squad, Sort Code and Account Num­ber to leedsentries@​gmail.​com. The Swim­mer will be with­drawn from the com­put­er and then details passed over to the Club Trea­sur­er to obtain a refund. We will be in touch with an addi­tion­al entry date into the Sum­mer Meet in due course for those swim­mers who did not enter the Spring Meet.

Rother­ham Metro Spring­time Meet

At present we are still await­ing con­fir­ma­tion that this meet is can­celled. Once we have received a refund from Rother­ham into the Leeds account, we can start the refund process for this com­pe­ti­tion. We will be in touch as soon as we have this information.

Any clubs with out­stand­ing refunds from the Nation­al Qual­i­fi­er Meet

Please send your Club’s Name, Sort Code and Account Num­ber to leedsentries@​gmail.​com.