11 December 2020

The City of Leeds Swim­ming Club is cur­rent­ly in the process of mov­ing all com­pe­ti­tion entries, SE mem­ber­ship and club fees online. Due to Covid, we must go paper-free.

Each par­ent will be receiv­ing an email with a login and pass­word for their account. Please fol­low the instruc­tions to set­up your account. A link to the login page will be added to the web­site in the next few days.

My account log in

Once your account is set up, you will be able to log in and check your child’s infor­ma­tion. It would be help­ful to add any med­ical details and emer­gency con­tacts to your child’s account. This sys­tem will then allow staff to con­tact you in the event of an emer­gency at a com­pe­ti­tion or away trip.

For future com­pe­ti­tions, this plat­form will be used to sub­mit and pay for entries. You will no longer need to get a sig­na­ture from your coach, as they will be able to log in and approve your entries online.

Hope­ful­ly, this will make the process of enter­ing com­pe­ti­tions much eas­i­er for you. Entry forms will no longer need to be hand­ed in to the Deni­son Suite on a Mon­day evening. Instead, you will be able to enter and make pay­ment online at any time before the clos­ing date. The sys­tem will also allow our Trea­sur­er to issue refunds at the click of a button.

Addi­tion­al­ly, your account will have a mes­sage sys­tem that you can sign up to. Should your coach need to con­tact you urgent­ly, e.g. because of a ses­sion can­cel­la­tion, this sys­tem will allow them to noti­fy you quickly.

Par­ents should decide who will be the main hold­er of the account when they set it up. Once set­up is com­plete, there is the option to then add an addi­tion­al par­ent to the account by using the fol­low­ing instructions:

Adding an addi­tion­al par­ent to your account

It may be a few more weeks before we are up and run­ning, but it would be a great help if you could start by cre­at­ing your account at your ear­li­est convenience.

Best regards,
Leeds Entries Team