11 December 2020

The City of Leeds Swim­ming Club are always look­ing for new ways to raise funds to sup­port our swim­mers. And to this end, the club has reg­is­tered with Easy Fundraising.

Easy​fundrais​ing​.org​.uk helps char­i­ties, schools, sports clubs, com­mu­ni­ty groups, and oth­er good caus­es to raise mon­ey when their sup­port­ers shop on line. So far they have raised over £3 mil­lion for caus­es through­out the UK.

It works in a sim­i­lar way to many oth­er loy­al­ty shop­ping sites, but instead of earn­ing points when you shop, you raise a dona­tion for City of Leeds Swim­ming Club instead. It’s as sim­ple as that!

I am sure with Christ­mas fast approach­ing most of us will be doing our shop­ping on line, so please reg­is­ter with Easy Fundrais­ing, it real­ly is a very sim­ple way to boost funds for the club.

This let­ter from the sup­port­ers’ com­mit­tee explains how you can reg­is­ter and help your club.

If you have any ques­tions please see a mem­ber of the sup­port­ers’ committee.

Hap­py Shopping

The Sup­port­ers Committee
City of Leeds Swim­ming Club