23 October 2022

Fol­low­ing par­ent feed­back and recent sup­ply chain issues with the old kit, the club have made the deci­sion to part ways with Kukri. The price increas­es in addi­tion to length of time to pro­cure the mate­r­i­al has sad­ly made the old kit unviable.

The com­mit­tee has been work­ing hard behind the scenes to secure a new sup­pli­er who will pro­vide a full kit for our swim­mers as well as coach­es, and we are pleased to announce that we have part­nered with Kit­Lock­er. The new kit will all be Nike and can be bought direct­ly through the ded­i­cat­ed COLSC online shop where all pur­chas­es will be sent direct­ly to you. Please fol­low this link:


Kit­Lock­er are a well-estab­lished York­shire com­pa­ny who have pro­vid­ed kit for many grass­roots teams as well as nation­al squads, the most recent of which, The Lioness­es for their win­ning Euro­pean Cham­pi­onship cam­paign. They have an impres­sive set up and we have a ded­i­cat­ed account man­ag­er work­ing with us.

As with the pre­vi­ous kit, the main item that will need to be pur­chased will be the com­pe­ti­tion match tee”. There are sep­a­rate male and female tabs as well as a sup­port­ers tab. The kit for both male and female is near­ly iden­ti­cal how­ev­er we have dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed with the shorts due to fit and leg­gings ver­sus track­suit bot­toms. There are also options on some kit to have ini­tials includ­ed although not essen­tial so up to the swim­mer. Please note that any kit pur­chased with ini­tials, can­not unfor­tu­nate­ly be sent back so siz­ing will need to be right.

We will have sam­ples avail­able soon with­in the club shop so if needs be, swim­mers can try on for siz­ing before pur­chas­ing. How­ev­er, as the kit is Nike, if con­ve­nient, you could try for size at Sports Direct (or sim­i­lar). The shop will still func­tion for sun­dries such as kick­boards, gog­gles etc. on a Mon­day evening as usual.

We appre­ci­ate that there will be a tran­si­tion peri­od between the old and new kit as many have tak­en advan­tage and recent­ly bought the old kit at a reduced price. We pro­pose that all old kit will be obso­lete by 1st Jan­u­ary 2025 giv­ing plen­ty of time to pur­chase the new range.

We are look­ing for­ward to see­ing the new kit on pool­side soon.

Many thanks
The COLSC Committee.