3 October 2022

What a fan­tas­tic morn­ing of com­pe­ti­tion at the Annu­al White Rose Junior League on Sun­day. Con­grat­u­la­tions to our City of Leeds A & B Team who fin­ished in 1st & 3rd position.

The City of Leeds A team tri­umphed with 371 points and won the canon to progress through to the Grand Final, they saw off chal­lenges from City of Sheffield A (309), Don­cast­er Dartes (270), City of Sheffield B (182) and Har­ro­gate (137). Leeds A fin­ished with a whop­ping 34 1st places. The City of Leeds B Team (286) did an amaz­ing job and man­aged to steal lots of points from the oth­er teams to place third over­all in the com­pe­ti­tion. Well done every­one, it was a tense and amaz­ing experience.

The next round of the Junior League is the Grand Final which will be held on Sun­day 27th Novem­ber at Cor­by Inter­na­tion­al Sports Cen­tre, Northamp­ton. This is our eleventh year in the com­pe­ti­tion, win­ning four years in a row (20102013) and claim­ing the title back again (2017 – 2019). After 3 years out, it would be great for our swim­mers to bring the tro­phy back home to Leeds once again for 2022.

Final standings

  1. City of Leeds ‘A’ 371 (34 first places)
  2. City of Sheffield ‘A’ 309
  3. City of Leeds ‘B’ 286
  4. Doncaster Dartes 270
  5. City of Sheffield ‘B’ 182
  6. Harrogate 137

Well Done Everyone!

Thanks to all the vol­un­teer offi­cials for their time and efforts to ensure events like this can hap­pen, as well as a huge thank you to our fan­tas­tic coach­es and team man­agers on the day (Kevin, Jamie, Phoebe, Emi­ly, Helen, Anna, Angela & Lyn).

Also, a big thanky­ou to all the par­ent sup­port­ers who made the effort to wear team colours and join in the fun by wear­ing wigs and face paint. The noise from the crowd was incred­i­ble and this real­ly helped get the swim­mers going. Great Job hope­ful­ly you can top this at the Grand Final.

Keep focus­ing on great takeovers and fin­ish­es dur­ing train­ing ready to smash the Grand Final.